Wind Power: Technology, Innovations, and Sustainable Future

Course Content


  • Importance of wind power in the context of renewable energy and sustainable development.
  • Overview of the ebook’s contents and objectives.

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Wind Power

1.1 Wind Energy Basics

1.2 Wind Turbine Technology

Chapter 2: Wind Power Systems and Infrastructure

2.1 Onshore Wind Farms

2.2 Offshore Wind Farms

Chapter 3: Innovations and Advances in Wind Power

3.1 Advanced Wind Turbine Designs

3.2 Digitalization and Automation

3.3 Hybrid Systems and Energy Storage

Chapter 4: Grid Integration and Power Management

4.1 Grid Connection and Power Transmission

4.2 Smart Grid Technologies

Chapter 5: Environmental Considerations and Sustainability

5.1 Environmental Impact Assessment

5.2 Social and Economic Benefits

5.3 Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability

Chapter 6: Policy, Economics, and Market Trends

6.1 Policy and Regulatory Frameworks

6.2 Economic Viability and Cost Analysis

6.3 Emerging Market Trends and Future Outlook
