Advancements in Avalanche Photodiode (APD) and Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) Technology: Theory, Applications, and Future Prospects

Course Content


  • Introducing APD and SPAD technologies and their significance in photonics and optical sensing
  • Overview of the ebook’s content and the importance of understanding these cutting-edge light-detection devices

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs)

1.1 Introduction to APDs

1.2 Gain and Sensitivity in APDs

1.3 Structure and Design of APDs

Chapter 2: Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD)

2.1 Introduction to SPADs

2.2 Geiger Mode vs. Linear Mode Operation

2.3 SPAD Arrays and Imaging

Chapter 3: Applications in Quantum Optics and Communication

3.1 Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) with SPADs

3.2 Quantum Entanglement and SPADs

3.3 Quantum Imaging and Metrology

Chapter 4: Advances in Telecommunications and Data Communications

4.1 High-Speed Communication with APDs

4.2 Optical Receivers and APDs

4.3 Emerging Applications in 5G and Beyond

Chapter 5: Medical Imaging and Biophotonics

5.1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and APDs

5.2 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) with SPADs

5.3 SPADs in Single-Molecule Imaging

5.4 Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostics with APDs and SPADs

Chapter 6: Future Directions and Emerging Technologies

6.1 Nanophotonics and Integrated Devices

6.2 Superconducting Nanowires and Quantum Technologies

6.3 Hybrid Systems and Multifunctional Devices

6.4 Quantum Sensing and Beyond Classical Sensing
