Wind Power in Shipping: Navigating a Sustainable Future

Course Content


  • The Urgency of Sustainable Solutions in the Shipping Industry
  • The Promise of Wind Power Technology in Mitigating Environmental Impact
  • Overview of the Ebook’s Contents

Chapter 1: Understanding Wind Power Technology

1.1 The Basics of Wind Propulsion

1.2 Types of Wind Propulsion Systems

1.3 Advantages and Challenges of Wind Propulsion

Chapter 2: Implementing Wind Propulsion in Commercial Ships

2.1 Hull Design Optimization for Wind Propulsion

2.2 Hybrid Solutions: Combining Wind Power with Conventional Propulsion

2.3 Real-Life Case Studies of Wind-Powered Ships

Chapter 3: Overcoming Challenges and Advancing Wind Power in Shipping

3.1 Regulatory and Policy Support for Wind Propulsion

3.2 Technological Innovations and Future Trends

3.3 Transitioning to a Wind-Powered Future

